

Get the Big Picture

What MIWE can do for you today

What do you think of when you hear the name MIWE?
Top-quality ovens? That’s all well and good. But it’s only a very small part of our range of services and products.

Think bigger! We would like to show you here how MIWE can help you create better processes, better products and ultimately better business with comprehensive expertise and holistic consulting approach.

Granted, good baking results require a good oven. But even the best oven is not enough if there are weaknesses in the process sequence upstream (or downstream): process interruptions for example, or interface problems, organizational bottlenecks, batch collisions, energy waste or, most challenging: insufficient information flows.

That’s why MIWE offers you a much broader approach beyond pure oven or bakery refrigeration technology. One, that takes a closer look at your production and logistics processes and, from this perspective, provides models of holistic processes without weak points and interfaces. In other words: optimised system concepts from one single source. That we are able to do this (and to do so probably much better than many of our market competitors) is due to our comprehensive baking expertise and our wide range of products and services.

You didn’t know that? Another reason for continue reading.

The “bakery circle” shows: everything is related to everything. If you ignore just one aspect, you will get “quick fixes” that may have dramatic effects on interactions between the remaining factors.

The whole world of baking – from production to shop

We are equally at home in production and in the outlet – with cutting-edge process plant technology and holistic solution approaches without the usual interface problems. We know the logistics requirements that arise between these two worlds. And we know from experience when a problem in one world may be best addressed in the other world. This is a measurable advantage for our customers, because the procedures in production and the outlet must be finely attuned to each other in order to ensure the consistently high quality of the baked goods. This will be an even more pressing need in the future than it is today.

The whole world of process technology

The MIWE convenience levels* are a comprehensive map of modern baking (and at the same time an expression of our comprehensive mastery of all processes), from fresh production to the various long-process proofing methods to production processes with freezing or vacuum conditioning. This is what today’s baking business models draw on. With this map in mind, complete production and logistics concepts for the bakery and the outlet can be developed and implemented. We know the advantages and disadvantages of the individual paths very well (also with regard to the necessary investments). We know exactly which technology is required and recommended for which process and we can design and implement the necessary production lines and process sequences, all tailored to your business model and your individual needs.

Who else can offer you that?

* The overview of the MIWE Convencience Levels can be downloaded as poster free of charge. Please fill in the form at the end of this article. 

The whole world of climatic processes

Proofing – cooling – baking – freezing: These are the climatic processes of baking in which a precisely timed control of temperature and moisture creates optimal conditions for first-class baked goods. And it’s precisely here, in the critical phase in which the product quality is decisive, where the core competence of MIWE lies.

Every baker knows that the parameters of the individual process steps are interrelated, that, for example, slightly proofed goods have to be baked differently than fully proofed ones, that par-baked goods have to be treated differently than single-baked fresh goods. Therefore, it is also advisable to involve MIWE experts not only as specialists in isolated partial processes such as baking or bakery refrigeration, but also as partners in the design of the entire production process right through to energy optimisation.

This way you can benefit from our entire expertise, and we can build up a process sequence with you that is optimised at every single step, is free of any interface problems, and which consistently lays the groundwork for reaching the desired final results.

The whole world of automation

To make sure that not only the individual process steps are compatible, but also that their interconnection can be organised as rationally as possible, we have a whole range of different transport and loading systems on offer (with differing performance levels) that round off our bakery concepts and ensure the right flow in the bakery – from the simple loading aid, which minimises physical strain, to wagon oven loading systems such as the MIWE assist, or the high-performance gantry loading system such as the MIWE athlet, which can be used to implement largely automated process lines even for large throughputs. But that’s not all: landing, transfer and removal belts, docking stations, crawlers, spray belts, chutes, draw-plate trolley loaders or plank feeders (to name just a few of the available variants) bring just the right thing to the right place.

And did you know that we can also implement complete proofing and freezer systems for you – for instance as a spiral, paternoster, step or cover system, or as a pan or hanging system?

The whole world of energy

Baking uses a lot of energy. A significant part of it is used by the systems that we manufacture: The ovens, for instance, or the bakery refrigeration systems. Therefore, in the interest of our customers and as a technology leader in the industry, we were among the forerunners looking at the question: How can we help bakers reduce energy costs and be more competitive? Many years ago, we launched MIWE energy, a distinct business unit, which has exactly that in mind.

As pioneer of low-energy bakeries, we provide particularly energy-efficient components (such as the MIWE roll-in e+), energy recovery systems especially developed for bakeries (such as the MIWE eco:nova) and intelligent energy network and monitoring systems (like the MIWE eco:control) to ensure you get the best baked goods with the most eco-friendly use of energy.

That’s good for your reputation. And definitely good for your business. And for the environment, of course!

The whole world of data

Knowledge is power, as the saying goes. The fact is: Only those who know what happens when, how and why have the full overview and can, if necessary, react as needed. The more you know about your processes and their sequence, the easier it is to identify weaknesses in the system and resolve them in a controlled manner, regardless of whether they concern the organisation and sequence of processes in the bakery or the handling of many distributed systems in the outlets.

With MIWE connectivity, we were able to meet the pre-requisites early on for recording and consolidating process data and preparing it as the basis for optimised system management and monitoring.

This applies to MIWE remote, the remote monitoring system for our bakery refrigeration systems. This also applies to the MIWE eco:control, which makes all the energy flows in your bakery transparent. Of course, this is especially true of the MIWE smart baking suite (sbs), which allows a large number of distributed baking stations to be managed and supplied in the simplest and most centralised way with baking programs, settings and other control data.

Even if baking 4.0 is not at the very top of the agenda for you at present: Its development is proceeding rapidly. Therefore, if you do not want to find out tomorrow that you bet on the wrong horse, you should pay particular attention when selecting your supplier to ensure that you are provided with a solid path to the future at this critical point. MIWE can do this.

Prepared for change

The world of baking is undergoing rapid transformation. Who knows that better than you? The only constant is change. What today promises flourishing sales and a healthy return may well be an outdated approach tomorrow. Therefore, it is good to look for a partner who, on one hand, has the economic strength to work with you to solve the challenges that lie ahead. And, on the other hand, who demonstrates the agility required to constantly adapt to changing market situations. This can mean, for example, integrating a new trend product into your production process at short notice. Or turning over a larger variety of products with smaller batches. Or in addition to highly automated process lines also installing one with purely manual components. Or helping you to profit from the pro-longed freshness of vacuum conditioning and increasing the corresponding optimisation potential in the interplay between production and branch outlets. Or … or … or …

Whatever your challenges may be tomorrow, no matter what your product portfolio looks like in the future, one thing will remain a certainty: With MIWE, you will be prepared.


“Life Cycle Management” is not a puzzling foreign term for us, but a fully embodied way of working. We always keep the entire life cycle of products in mind.
On the one hand, this applies to the continuous development of our products and services on the basis of constantly changing and new requirements from our markets. That’s why with MIWE systems, you can always be assured that you are investing in systems that are at the cutting edge both technically and technologically and that are future proof in every respect.

But that also applies to the way in which we treat a system once it has been delivered. “Uptime” (i. e. availability) and “Total Cost of Ownership” are guiding concepts for us. During product development, we ensure trouble-free operation by using materials and a design that are not only sufficiently robust but also allow for easy accessibility to all maintenance-relevant units. If, contrary to expectations, a fault should occur, our service and spare parts organisation – which has widely been praised as outstanding – will ensure that the system is fully available again as soon as possible.

As a result, MIWE systems are among the most economical in the long run.

The MIWE Convenience Level (MCL) Poster

Whether it’s frozen dough piece baking with par-baked frosted dough pieces, long-process proofing using MIWE smartproof or the final bake for semi-baked goods at the point of sale – the MIWE Convenience Steps (MCS) poster provides information about all the process steps for the individual procedures. All of that information is clearly divided into central production processes and work steps in the branches. 

Talk to our experts

In the mood for change? Are you in the middle of making plans for your production facility, large or small? Then let’s get talking! No matter where you are at the moment or where you want to go – our planning experts will be happy to guide you along the way. We look forward to hearing from you!

Technology for central production

From production baking ovens, including loading and transport, to bakery refrigeration technology and energy efficiency systems: our website gives you an overview of our solutions for your bakery and, of course, all the details about our technology for central production.

Technology for in-store baking

The heart of every bakery is its oven – be it is a convection oven, a deck oven, a combination system or even a gastro system for extended use in food service. You will find an overview of the complete range of modern in-store baking options on our website.

Successful digitalisation in branch operations

Who doesn’t wish they could always stay on top of things and take advantage of all the opportunities offered by digitalisation. But what exactly does that actually mean for your business and your bakery branches? Whether you are a branch manager, sales manager, baking supervisor, administrator or quality manager, our website will show you how you can benefit from digitalising your processes with our management software MIWE smart baking suite. Our white paper is also available for download there, where we share plenty of useful information with you including what funding opportunities are available.


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