
How to Spot Energy Wasters in Baking

Highly informative new tool added to the MIWE smart baking suite

For over five years now, MIWE customers all over the world have been able to efficiently monitor their distributed bakery systems, especially their in-store baking stations, using a central management tool that lets them optimise their baking processes in a targeted manner. We’re of course talking about the MIWE smart baking suite, “MIWE sbs” for short. It provides all the data from the networked baking ovens and thus allows highly efficient central management, monitoring, synchronisation and analysis of the systems in the field. A dashboard quickly gives the necessary overview for assessing the current overall status; comprehensive reports and key figures provide detailed information on all processes; and administrative and calendar features optimally support the outlet, even remotely.
Conveniently control, analyse and evaluate remotely. This is unbelievably easy with the MIWE smart baking suite. It collects all the data from every connected system, whether in-store or on the production side, and makes it available to the user for evaluation.

At the end of 2022, MIWE equipped this useful tool with another brand-new feature: The sbs:energiemonitor for networked baking stations. Such an energy monitor is a welcome addition in times of scarce and increasingly costly energy on the market.

It not only summarises the actual energy consumption of an oven, but also breaks it down in detail according to different operating states (such as baking, heating/cooling, ready-to-bake, Eco mode, etc.). All this is clearly displayed graphically and numerically across various panels on a dashboard. You can choose between displaying the data as a timeline, as kilowatt hours or directly as incurred costs if your current kW price is stored in the MIWE sbs. This lets you see exactly how long the baking station baked for, how long it ran at a lower standby temperature in MIWE Eco mode, how long it took to heat up or how long it was (and remained) ready to bake.


You are also shown the products or baking programs associated with these baking times. And finally, you know how much energy has been consumed for each of these – and what it has cost you in detail.

Comparison function makes savings visible

This display, which also includes useful comparisons (e. g. over the days of the week, over the last eight weeks or across different products or baking programs), rapidly shows when and where energy was actually consumed beneficially and where it was not. What’s more, the tool evaluates the impact of block times for preventing baking at certain times of the day.

The MIWE sbs:energiemonitor incorporates “baking efficiency” as a fundamental key parameter. This is the ratio of the real baking time to the total switch-on time. Obviously, an oven that is switched on for several hours, possibly even in a constant “ready-to-bake” state, but only actually bakes for a few of those hours, is not being used in an optimally energy-efficient way.  Depending on the value, this baking efficiency coefficient is depicted using a traffic light system, with red indicating very low efficiency, amber representing medium efficiency and green symbolising good efficiency, so that it is immediately apparent when the efficiency of a baking station is getting out of hand.
Compact and at a glance: the dashboard provides insights into what is happening. The evaluations can be displayed across all networked ovens and even individual decks. The display can be customised to show consumption in kWh or directly in the currency of your choice.

With the "baking efficiency" evaluation, the colour coding makes it clear at a glance where there is potential for savings.

The useful comparison function (here energy consumption over time) quickly shows how improved processes are having an impact on energy use.

So, when it comes to ensuring optimal energy consumption of ovens in shops and outlets nowadays, this is the ideal tool for making fact-based adjustments.

Curious to know more? Then get in touch with us and make an appointment for your individual live presentation about the MIWE sbs:energiemonitor.

Technology for central production

From production baking ovens, including loading and transport, to bakery refrigeration technology and energy efficiency systems: our website gives you an overview of our solutions for your bakery and, of course, all the details about our technology for central production.

Talk to our experts

In the mood for change? Are you in the middle of making plans for your production facility, large or small? Then let’s get talking! No matter where you are at the moment or where you want to go – our planning experts will be happy to guide you along the way. We look forward to hearing from you!


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